The Whispered Song

“The Birds of Heaven, sing among the branches.” – Psalm 104

Amidst the bones, I pause to listen to the tree's heartsong. 
Her branches cradle the home of the songbird  
who sings to heaven,
indifferent to the wide-eyed gawk and bark that hover below.

The seasons change, and the wind carries the flame 
igniting the nest's chlorophyll. 
The ruah flame sparks the melody
and lights the leaves with the fired colour.

In the surround sound of the cathedral beams
I behold the beauty of the blue, 
hidden deep within the wood's womb 
and listen to his whispered song,
in chorus with the soprano wind and the alto leaves.

The home of the songbird
magnifies the creator’s splendour and echoes the psithurism hymn. 
In harmony with his home, 
he whispers his homily to the beautiful one, 
who painted him from within his wings to reflect the holy blue hue.

The breath that imprinted score in the blue bird
releases the benediction:
‘Holy Holy Holy’

 I behold the deep beauty of Cyanocitta Cristata 
who was painted blue with light from within. 
 With thanksgiving I listen to his whisper song
'Sanctus, Sanctus, Sanctus Dominus'

His song awakens those who slumber,
Ruah awakens the sound of the bones to a standing ovation.
The army of dry bones rattle in the wind 
and in one breath the bones whisper , 'Selah'

- I bow in honour to the blue symphony and whisper, 'Amen'


The Blue Jay vocalization is the “whisper song” 

“The evocative sounds created by the wind flowing through trees” – psithurism

Although blue jays are widely recognized by their bright blue colour, they are (surprisingly) not actually blue. Their bright blue plumage is the result of a unique inner wing structure that distorts the way light is reflected; making them appear blue.

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